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BBC Interviews Fascist On Remembrance Sunday

November 15, 2016

As people gathered on Remembrance Day ceremonies, in which they all remembered those who fought against fascism in World War Two the BBC saw fit to broadcast an interview with Marine le Pen of the French Front National last Sunday. The former military Chief of Staff Richard Dannett, alongside a UKIP spokesperson and an American CNN reporter – did not utter a word of criticism as they sat there wearing their Poppies.

Harry Leslie Smith summed up the situation best when he tweeted “Appeasement to fascism comes in many shapes and sizes but sometimes it can be just a friendly chat with #lepen on #Marr. #remembrancesunday” . Harry recently wrote “For me, I can no longer wear a poppy because it’s meaning of respect for the fallen and the motto “never again” on the First World War memorial has been profaned by our wars to maintain our empire after the fall of Hitler, and our modern conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. I feel now that wearing the poppy gives a blank cheque to our politicians to justify their folly in wars of questionable merit, as well as the needless deaths their sanguine votes for boots on the ground costs both our soldiers and innocent civilians in foreign countries.”

Here are some images of people against fascism.

Tower Hamlets Le Pen protest 1991

Tower Hamlets Le Pen protest 1991

Demonstration against the BNP, Cable Street c. 2006

Demonstration against the BNP, Cable Street 2006

Harry Leslie Smith

Harry Leslie Smith, Liverpool 2016

50th anniversary march celebrating the battle of Cable Street, East London 1986

50th anniversary march celebrating the battle of Cable Street, East London 1986

Altab Ali Park 2009

Anti-Racist speaker, Altab Ali Park, London 2009

50th anniversary of the battle of cable street, Stepney

50th anniversary of the battle of cable street, Stepney 1986

Anti Racist demonstration. East London 1994

Anti Racist demonstration. East London 1994

Anti Fascist demonstration, Central London c 1996

Anti Fascist demonstration, Central London c 1996

Anti Racist Demonstrator, 1992

Anti Racist Demonstrator, 1992

TUC Anti Racist Demo, East London 1994

TUC Anti Racist Demo, East London 1994

Anti Racist Demo, Spitalfields 1992

Anti Racist Demo, Spitalfields 1992


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