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Whitechapel Market

August 16, 2015

I never tire of walking around Whitechapel. Its focal point is the market which is a magnet for people looking for cheap food and bargains. I’ve photographed the market thousands of times but on each fresh journey I am inspired and find something new.

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

Whitechapel Market 2015

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