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Climate Change, Birds and Humans

August 28, 2024
‘Still flying’ – mixed media on paper 2024

The seagull in this image is a metaphor for what is happening to the climate in the world today. Although they appear to be thriving research has shown seagulls to be in rapid decline. In the UK they are on the red list – the highest level – for British bird species of concern, because their population has dropped by 72% in 55 years!

When I made this work I imagined the bird flying over Pacific Islands where climate change is an existential threat to the people living there that could lead to the risk of displacement and migration. This ‘forced’ migration means the loss of ancestral homelands, unique and lasting ties to land, and vital cultural identities.

It’s estimated that 49 million people in East Asia and the Pacific will be forced to flee their homes due to climate change by 2050.

It’s our world economic system – capitalism – that has brought this about. It’s a system that knows the price of everything but the value of nothing – hence the bar code on the seagulls wing.

One Response leave one →
  1. Jane Hammett permalink
    August 31, 2024

    So sadly pertinent.It’s a fact that we see more seagulls in urban areas because we have destroyed much of their natural habitats and food sources.
    Annoyingly, some people now see them as a nuisance.
    Agree those who did the least to cause Climate catastrophe and the most likely to suffer It’s consequences yet we career down this path with little or no thought for the disaster that awaits us and the natural world.
    Meanwhile, deranged billionaires pump their ill gotten gains into mad schemes like space travel.

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