Fighting Racism In 1994
Following the election of a British National Party councillor in Millwall, East London and the escalation in racist attacks in the area, the TUC joined with a broad platform of anti-racist organisations in a Unite Against Racism demonstration in Tower Hamlets on 19 March, 1994. The BNP candidate was defeated in the subsequent local elections and a Labour Council returned to power in the borough. I photographed the demonstration which attracted over 50,000 people. The art work below is made from two images I took on the march.
I believe photographs have an inherent historical value but I also view my archive as a resource where images can be re-imagined sometimes (as is in this case) to restate an idea. The fight against racism is ongoing. This image captures the anger of of those who’ve been subjected to it. It’s an anger that is reflected in the Black Lives Matter movement around the world today.
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