Food In East London
In 2003 the Burger bar (above) moved its venue to across the road; the ‘Purveyors of fine food’ lettering has been removed. Still six years later no one appears to be buying a burger and the man with the trolley (below) is walking away from the bar. When I visited the Slater Street market a couple of weeks ago I noticed that the burger bar has disappeared. The land on which the original burger bar rested has now been covered with ‘luxury flats’. Slater Street market is being squeezed out of existence by gentrification that has no regard for history, culture or people on low incomes.

Woman resting in a fast food restaurant, Bishopsgate 1989

Hanbury Street 2013

Sclater Street food stall 1986

Two old fashioned hand carts flank a young man eating his lunch, Whitechapel 1984

One Customer at Rossi’s. Hanbury Street, London 2009.

Woman eating a plate of chips, Cheshire Street London c.1984

Tea, solar pulses, teaspoon and toast at Rossi’s. Hanbury Street, London 2009.
from → East End, East London, Historic, Portraits, United Kingdom, urban