Today is International Women’s day. These photographs celebrate women the world over. I hope they challenge the idea that progress is largely brought about by men. We still have a long way to go before injustice based purely on a persons sex is eradicated. “Women’s freedom is the sign of social freedom.” – Rosa Luxemburg.
Campaigner supporting refugees, February 2023.
Grinding herbs. Bangladesh, 1994.
NHS Not Trident. Manchester, October 2017.
Chaing Mai, Thailand 2017.
‘Women Unite Against Racism’, mixed media. From a photograph taken in East London 1994.
Save our NHS demonstration. London 2017.
Tea workers. Photomontage 2012
Save Charing Cross. NHS demonstration. March 2017.
Teacher striking for fair pay and improved conditions for children and all workers in schools. Liverpool, February 2023.
Tea worker. Bangladesh 1996.
Protester. Manchester, October 2017.
‘We Can’t Pay Our Bills’, Mixed media collage used in the campaign against the cost of living crisis. 2022.
Market in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1992.
‘Porto’, Mixed Media photomonage. Portugal 2022.
Anti BNP demo outside John Scurr school, East London 1984.
Mixed media collage with two images (1982) of a woman on Brick Lane. 2002.
Floating village, Tonle Sap, Siem Reap. Cambodia, 2009.
Demonstration against NHS privatisation. Liverpool 2022.
Speaking up on behalf of women’s rights. Liverpool, March 2019.
‘Gentrification’. Mixed media collage combining a 1980s photograph of a woman just off Brick Lane with the City encroaching on the East End of London. 2022.
Deep in thought. Hanoi, Vietnam 2019.
Save Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Liverpool, May 2018.
Mixed media collage used in the campaign against the Arms Fair sponsored by Liverpool City Council in 2021.
Street seller in Hanoi. Vietnam 2019.
Campaigner Lesley Mahmood talks to the Merseyside Pensioners Association about the campaign to save the Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Liverpool, January 2018.
Pensioners campaigning to save Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Photomontage combining a Leonardo Davinci painting with a contemporary image. 2022.
East village. New York 2005.
East London women in support of the miners, Kent 1984.
Photomontage campaigning about fuel poverty. 2022.
Climate crisis demo, 2022.
Inspirational banner for International Women’s Day. Liverpool, March 2019.
My mother, Mary, smiling on the underground. London 2004.
Protester in Clayton Square, Liverpool 2017.
Women in support of the miners, London 1984.
Protest against education cuts in Whitechapel. East London 2008.
Women protesters against racist murderers. Newham, East London 1980s.