Liverpool Book
May 7, 2013
7 Responses
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I’m collecting images for a small book of Liverpool photographs. Here are three potential images.
from → Liverpool, Portraits, United Kingdom
© Phil Maxwell/Hazuan Hashim 2010-22
(Phil Maxwell is a member of the NUJ)
Unauthorized use or duplication of these words and pictures without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Really struck by how similar the second image is to the publicity still used for Davies’s ‘Of Time and the City’. I believe that image was around Everton, I’ve been trying to place this one, is it around Kingsley Road – bottom end of Ritson/Asbridge St?
The second image (desolate cityscape) was taken behind Princess Avenue.
How is the book coming along? I would be interested in purchasing a copy.
The book can be purchased online at Cafe Royal Books:—1982/
Hi Phil, just discovered your work, really wanted a copy of the book, could I get one from you directly?
the 3 lads on the wall are Paul Mcconvill,Mark Harding,Kevin Mcconvill from Wynnstay Street L8
Hi Mr Maxwell ( as I remember you)
Just found your website as my brother has recongnised a picture of himself on Twitter that you had taken. After checking your site I think I can identify myself from the classroom photograph on this page, I’m sitting in the far left hand corner, my name is Tracy Neary and I was in form 2I in St michaels I think the year must have been 1981/82 my brother Terry was in the year above. I can also recognise 3 other pupils on the photograph as Marie Foy, Stephen Heinz and Paul Lackey.
Me and my brother fondly remember the Friday assembly’s when the school would gather in the hall and you would show a weekly slide show of the photographs you had taken of the pupils, sometimes to roars of laughter. It would be great to see some of them again.