MELA Hanbury Street 1984
In 1984 the MELA, as usual, was based in Hanbury Street. The organisers recognised that most people lived on the Chicksand Estate. If it rained then music etc could be resumed in the Montefiore Centre. It was a community event organised by locals unlike the commercial MELA we’ve seen on Brick Lane in recent years.

MELA in Hanbury Street 1984.

Enjoying ice cream at the 1984 Mela.

Weaving demonstration outside Kingward House at the 1984 Mela.

Throwing a ball at coconuts in Hanbury Street at the 1984 Mela.

Throwing a ball at coconuts in Hanbury Street at the 1984 Mela.

Listening to a steel band in Hanbury Street at the 1984 Mela.
Nice Pics, do you have anymore pics of the mela? the guy in the 2nd pic with the cap n drinking water was my friend n neighbour. His moved to Wales…
Hey phil..
How are you doing…
do u have more pix.
please email me.. Thanks
Azad hoque
Hi Phil and Haz, absolutely loved theses collection brought back lots of good memories of growing in the 80’s especially break dance :). hope you are both well.
love Maz