Footprint and cycle tracks in the snow. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Fallen leaf in the snow. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Seagull footprints in the snow. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Seagulls on the ice. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Man walking his dog. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Snow on leaves. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Lone seagull on a twig frozen in ice. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Remnants of snow on a tree. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Lone seagull footprint and cycle tracks. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
Thawing snow, grass & a twig. Wavertree Park. Liverpool, March 2018.
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