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Global Village?

April 20, 2022
‘Global Village’. Photomontage 2022.

The word ‘Globalisation’, describes the interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. I remember it becoming a popular word twenty five years ago when politicians were using it to describe what they perceived to be the benefits of world trade and international links. An accompanying phrase was ‘global village’ which was used to describe what some politicians and economists described as a bright new future bought about by advances in transportation and digital communication technology. I always disliked the phrase as it seemed to imply a bright new world where humanity was wrapped in a cosy blanket of innovation and development that would benefit everyone.

The photomontage ‘Global Village’ examines the veracity of the global village concept. Despite advances in technology and communication globalisation has reinforced structural inequalities around the world. We live in a world and economic system that pepetuates the poverty of billions across the planet. A world where power is concentrated into the hands of corporations and their shareholders who yield power with disasterous consequences for the environment and humanity.

You can purchase this print and photographs by Phil Maxwell here:

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